Get starting with Instagram – Part 1

This post is for those who want to get started with Instagram, but feel a little unsure of how it all works. Right now I go through how to register, how to add pictures and looking at other people’s photos is in Part 2.First and foremost, you must have the app Instagram. This you can find where you buy or download your normal apps (different depending on whether you are using an Android phone/plate or any of Appels products).
Then, start by downloading the app and launch it.
(And sorry for the unusually poor picture quality. All the lights hit the screen for me, so it was difficult to get to the really bright and nice pictures).

Get started with Instagram

This is the starting screen of Instagram. At the top you have two options; Sign up or Log In.

Get started with Instagram

We will Sign Up, so make sure it is selected (the small white arrow should be under the text).

Click (dabbing with your finger) Enter your e-mail. Then you get the keyboard and can type in your email address.
If you prefer to use Facebook as login, click Log in with Facebook. You will then receive login using your facebook account and can jump a bit down in this text.

For safety, I have not taken photos of the following steps, but it is not so difficult.
Once you have entered your email address you’ll see a small blue text that says Next. Click on it.
Enter your name, if you want. This is not mandatory, so you can skip this if you want. Click Next.
Time for a username. This is the name that will appear on your account. If it is completely wrong or if you want to change it sometime in the future, you can do this without any problems. Click Next when you are done. (if your username is already taken it says so just below the field).
A good password is one that is not directly associated with you and it gladly contain a few numbers or other characters (!? # &)

Get started with Instagram

When you come to this screen it’s time for a profile picture. The profile picture is round and appears next to your username. You have several ways to choose a picture, choose the way that suits you best.
I selected to upload a photo (Choose from Library), but if you what to select one from Facebook, or take a picture here and now it goes equally well.

Get started with Instagram

You can move the picture to focus on what you want as your profile picture. The profile picture can be replaced as easily as on Facebook if you change your mind and want another later.

Get started with Instagram

When you are satisfied with the image, click on the blue check mark on the top right to move forward.

Get started with Instagram

If you want Instagram to will find your friends from Facebook, click on the blue button. It may take a while for Instagram to go through your Facebook account, so have some patience. If you don’t want to find your friends from Facebook, click Skip at the top right.
Instagram also want to check your contacts in the phone, but here you can select Skip also if you want.
Get started with Instagram
Now your account is up and running. Instagram suggest some popular people that you may want to follow.
Kom igång med Instagram
If you find something that looks interesting, click on the Follow above the profile you want to follow. When you are done, click the blue check mark at the top right. You can choose not to follow anyone if you want to.
Get started with Instagram
This is what your flow look like if you have not selected anything to follow, if you selected something in the step before you will see a lot of pictures.
How to upload your own pictures, write text, etc. you find in the next step.

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