About Translation

I do my best to translate this blog, one post at a time. I use a plugin but have to translate everything ”by hand”, so it takes some time.
I’m well aware that my English is crappy sometimes, and I would appreciate any help if the text is wrong. Sometimes it’s difficult to translate when I my self don’t know what word is the correct one. Some things have more than one word i the dictionary and I don’t always know witch one is the correct one to use.
If you whant to help me out, please leave a comment on the post and I will correct it as fast as I can.

In the spring of 2015 I change my plugin. The old one (Transposh) wasn’t working to good to begin with and it stopped working totally in the end. I change to Polylang and this plugin work in a different way so I lost over a year of translating. It’s more than just the text in the blog that takes time to translate, all the menus, pages, tags, categories and so on need translating and it will take some time.
If you chose to view the blog in English you will only see what I mange to translate. If you view the blog in Swedish you can see everything. Some of the links from my Facebook page are broken by now but you can still find the post in Swedish and see the pictures.
Leave a comment on the Swedish post if you want me to hurry up with the translation of that one. The e-mail address you leave in comment will only be visible to me and I will e-mail you as soon as the translation is done so please leave a correct e-mail address.


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